Monster Media 1996 #15
Monster Media Number 15 (Monster Media)(July 1996).ISO
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Text File
919 lines
gamma 4
* The AKAFORCE statement in netmgr.cfg was broken (didn't work at all).
Problem reported by Francois Blais.
* Searching for a string (not a substring with ~) in the subject line
in an Xmask would not always work correctly.
Problem reported by Peter Karlsson.
* NetMgr's config file wasn't opened in a file sharing mode.
Problem reported by Vicki Fletcher.
* The 'PackMail' action would replace the 'subject' line in file request
messages with the name(s) of the requested file(s), even for JAM messages
with a 'real' subject line.
Problem reported by Francois Blais.
* For messages with file attaches or requests, the 'subject' line would
sometimes be empty for bounce messages. This is now fixed.
Problem reported by Pepijn Hendriks.
beta 8
* There were two clashes with tokens used to represent attributes.
The JAM zonegating bit is now : %
The locked status is now : $
* The variables (like %from, %to and so on) can also used in files used for
the 'AddNote' action.
* Productcode in mailpackets now set to 0xFE instead of 0x00
* The -q command line switch produced junk in the logfile.
* NetMgr would open _every_ area as a netmail area, which is not correct
when doing an EchoCopy/Move. Mails created with EchoCopy/Move could
therfore give trouble.
* When using the -@ or -# pseudo attributes, the debug output would show
incorrect information.
* Doing a copy/move on messages without any kludges resulted in a
protection violation.
* MoveMail lost names of attaches/requests from the subject line.
* Action FILE in the DOS version gave problems, that could range from not
writing the output correctly to crashing the computer.
* You can now use the variables (%from, %to etc) in Action Display. This
also fixes a problem that gamma 2 had when you specified % tokens in a
display action.
* When scanning for a certain keyword on the subject line, it was not
possible to scan for filename for attaches and requests. In areas other
than JAM, this information is actually stored in the subject line, so
scanning should be possible (but it didn't work because NetMgr stores
this information separately).
NetMgr will now also scan the list of attached/requested files when
looking for a certain string in the subject.
So doing this...
Mask Allfix, *, *, *, ~TIC, +a
Action Delete
.. should now do what it's told (delete file attach messages that come
from allfix and show the word 'TIC" in the subject, or in other words:
that have a TIC file attachd).
* Some other cosmetical things.
beta 7
* Don't remember what happened here :-)
beta 6
* The 'dest' keyword in XMASKs didn't work (at all).
* NetMgr stripped the already existing trailing VIA lines when packing mail
(it just added it's own :-)
* NetMgr now also allows the OR construction for attributes. So something
like this is now also possible:
From Gerard van Essen
Orig 2:281/527.0
Attr +c OR +a+l OR +f-c
This mask will match for messages that are flavoured crash, or are
flavoured 'attach' and 'local', or flavoured 'request' but NOT crash.
Please note that this construction is not valid for the attributes that
need to search the nodelist (# and @). You can specify these attributes
like this, but they are checked once, separately from the other
So you cannot specify:
Attr +c-@ OR -c+@
or something similar. You can only specify these attributes once and they
will then be carried over to all other attribute masks. In other words,
specifying this:
Attr +c-@ OR +l
will actually be expanded to:
Attr +c-@ OR +l-@
beta 5
* Added the ability to run external programs from NetMgr.
The action to use for this is RUNEXTERNAL.
RUNEXTERNAL <program to use> <parameters>.
In the <paramaters> part, you can make use of several 'variables', whose
value depends on the contents of the header of the message that triggered
the action. The following variables are available:
from - Name in the 'from' field of current message.
to - 'to'
subject - 'subject'
orig - Origination address of current message (like 2:281/527).
dest - Destination address of current message (like 2:281/527).
areadir - Directory or base name of current area, board number if
Hudson. This is in the format that is also used in
NetMgr.cfg, so $<path+basename> for a Squish area,
!<path+basename> for a JAM area etc.
msgno - Message number of current message ('relative' number for
Squish and Hudson)
realmsgno - Real message number, for Squish (UMSGID) and Hudson (real
number in Hudson base, not the relative number in the area).
For JAM and *.MSG, this is always equal to msgno.
file - Name of the file that contains the body of the message.
newfile - Name of a new file to create if you want to replace the body
of the message with new text.
repfile - Name of the file that should be created if you want to send
a message back to the sender of the message. (See below).
attach - Files attached to this message (list of files).
request - Files requested in this message (list of files [!passwords]).
(But then on one line, evidently).
Before running the external program, NetMgr will write the body of the
message to a file. This file (and other files) will be created in the
directory where NetMgr found it's config file. The path+name of this file
is available through the variable [file]. It will be:
"<path to config file>\netmsg.msg".
NetMgr will then run the external program, and check for the existence of
two files:
■ "<path to config file>\netmsg.new" : if this file exists, NetMgr will
replace the body of the message with the contents of this file. The
path+name of this variable is available through the variable
■ "<path to config file>\netmsg.rep": if this file exists, NetMgr will
send a message back to the sender of the message that triggered this
What is actually done, is an XEMPTYBOUNCE action. For this action, the
netmsg.rep file is used as the body (where the variables like [from],
[to] etc. can be used), but where the first line of this .rep file is
used as the 'mask' for the reply header.
Because it actually _is_ an XEMPTYBOUNCE, it also follows the same
conventions as the XEMPTYBOUNCE action, so it initializes the fields
with a standard reply header, which makes it possible to use a simple
'*, *, *, *, *, *' mask (see XEMPTYBOUNCE action for more info).
The path+name of this variable is available through the variable
An example:
Action RUNEXTERNAL pgp.exe +batchmode -sta -u art -o [newfile] -z pass [file]
could expand to:
'pgp.exe +batchmode -sta -u art -o c:\net\netmsg.new -z pass
This would run PGP on the message, and sign the text. The body of the
message will be replaced with a signed version of the text.
An example of usage of a .rep file could be:
Action RUNEXTERNAL reply.cmd [repfile]
And the contents of 'reply.cmd' could be:
@echo off
echo Automatic Reply, @myaka, *, *, Response to your message, * >> %1
echo Hello %%ffrom! >> %1
echo. >> %1
echo This is an automatic reply! >> %1
echo. >> %1
echo Greetings! >> %1
This would create a netmsg.rep file, and NetMgr would send back a small
message to the sender of the original message.
* Several actions have a similar counterpart, that can place the resulting
message in another area.
The actions concerned are: the Bounce and XBounce 'family', Forward and
MakeMsg. In order to place the resulting message in another area, add
'IN' to the action name (to make BOUNCEIN, XBOUNCEIN, XEMPTYBOUNCEIN,
FORWARDIN etc), and add the path/name of the area to put the message in.
Some examples:
Action XBOUNCEIN $d:\msg\net bounce.txt The Bouncer, @myaka, *, *, *, +l
This will create a bounce message in the Squish area d:\msg\net.
Action FORWARDIN !c:\msgbase\netmail *, *, Pietje Puk, 2:2/2.0, *, +l
This will forward a message to 'Pietje Puk (2:2/0)' in the JAM style area
beta 4
* When deleting messages in *.MSG areas, NetMgr will attempt to correct the
lastread pointer so that it keeps pointing to an existing ('old')
* For *.MSG areas, you can now specify the optional 'renum' keyword when
you define the area using the 'ScanDir' keyword.. After scanning the
area, NetMgr will then renumber the area (and adjust the lastread pointer
when necessary).
Example of such a definition:
ScanDir c:\fd\netmail renum
* TimEd will now by default add an INTL kludge to all newly generated
netmail (bounce, makemsg).
* With the action 'FILE', NetMgr would 'eat' characters if a certain line
was longer than 79 characters and didn't contain any spaces. This is now
* New keyword: INTLFORCE
If you add this to your NetMgr.cfg, timEd will _force_ an INTL kludge on
any netmail it somehow writes (this includes messages touched through a
* Fixed a problem for UUCPREWRITE on messages generated by Maximus (which
have a trailing ^A in their kludges).
* For the Actions 'Forward' and 'MakeMsg' the header (that is: from, to,
subject, destination address, origination address and attributes) will
be initialized with the contents of the original message.
Putting a '*' in fields of the Masks for the Forward and MakeMsg actions
will, as a result, produce the contents of the original message.
An example:
Action Forward *, *, Kasper Kwant, 2:500/144.0, *, +l+c
A message like this:
From: Gerard, 2:281/527
To : SysOp, 1:138/211
Subj: Test!
Attr: -
Will produce a message like this:
From: Gerard, 2:281/527
To : Kasper Kwant, 2:500/144
Subj: Test!
Attr: Loc, Cra
* Forwarded by NetMgr+ 1.00.g2
Original message:
To : <--- header of original message.
Bla, bla <--- body of original message.
* {+} The BOUNCE, HDRBOUNCE and EMPTYBOUNCE Actions have 'extended'
The format:
XBOUNCE <textfile for bouncetext> <full mask to use>
The first parameter is the textfile to add at the top of the bounce
The second parameter is the mask to use for the bounce message. You can
specify a "*" for the fields you want the default to be used.
By default, NetMgr generates a full 'reply header' with the to: and from:
names and addresses reversed (compared to the original message) and the
same attributes and subject.
For example, for this message:
From: Gerard, 1:1/1
To : SysOp, 1:138/211
Subj: Test!
Attr: Pvt Cra
The standard reply header is:
From: SysOp, 1:138/211
To : Gerard, 1:1/1
Subj: Test!
Attr: Pvt Cra
And that will be the result if you specify a mask like:
Action XBounce c:\txt\bounce.txt *, *, *, *, *, *
However, if you make it:
Action XBounce c:\txt\bounce.txt The Bodyguard, 2:281/527.0, *, *, *, +l
The result would be:
From: The Bodyguard, 2:281/527
To : Gerard, 1:1/1
Subj: Test!
Attr: Loc
The extended bounce actions are only available to registered users.
* {+} The BOUNCE and XBOUNCE actions can now use variables in the textfiles
that can be inserted at the top of the message.
For a BOUNCE action like...
Action Bounce 2:281/527.0 c:\txt\bounce.txt
.. this is the file c:\txt\bounce.txt.
These variables will be expanded using the contents of the message-header
of the message you are bouncing. This gives you the opportunity to make
the messages a bit more 'personal'.
In the file, the use of the following variables is now allowed:
%to : The full name of the person that the the original message was
addressed to.
%fto : As %to, but only the first name of that person.
%from : The full name of the person who wrote the original message.
%ffrom : As %from, but only the first name of that person.
%subj : Subject of the original message.
%orig : Address of the sender of the message (like
%dest : Address of the recipient of the message
(like 2:281/527)
%time : Time the message was written (like 01:25)
%year : The year the message was written (like 1993)
%mon : The month the message was written (like jan,
feb etc)
%day : The day of the month msg was written (a
%dow : The 'day of week' msg was written (like mon,
tue, wed etc)
So, the contents of the bounce file could be:
Hello %ffrom!
You sent a message to %to (%dest), dated %mon %day, %year.
The subject was: "%subj".
These variables can only be used by registered users of NetMgr.
* PackMail and MoveMail will now add FMPT/TOPT kludges at the very start of
the kludges, instead of at the end. This seems to prevent problems at
Frodo systems that didn't correctly recognize file attaches addressed to
points in some cases.
* New Action: DeleteAttach
This action will not only delete the message, but it will also look at
any attached files. When the 'Truncate when sent' flag is present on the
message, the file(s) will be truncated. When the 'Kill file when sent'
flag is present, the attached file(s) will be deleted.
* New Action: ChangePathMove <new path>
This works exactly like 'ChangePath', but it also moves the attached
file(s) to the new directory.
* Added the possibility to post files in a message from the command line.
In order to do this, use the POST command on the commandline.
To do a post, you first need to define an XMASK with DefineXMask in
NetMgr.cfg. In that mask, specify "from", "to", "subject", and "orig" for
echomail messages. For netmail messages, you need to add "dest" as well.
Adding 'attr' is allowed, but not required. If you don't specify any
attributes, NetMgr will default to (only) the 'local' attribute.
When generating the message, NetMgr will use the info in this XMASK to
generate the header for the message.
On the command line, you specify which xmask to use, what file to use as
body, the area to post in, and whether or not the area is an echomail
area. To do this, the following command line options are available:
-x : specify XMASK to use
-a : specify area to use (use leading !, # or $ to indicate msgbase format)
-e : specified area is an echomail area
-f : ASCII file to use as body for the message
Full example:
Provided the following XMASK is defined in NetMgr.cfg:
DefineXmask netpost
from Gerard van Essen
to NetMgr User
subject Answer to your query
orig 2:281/527.0
dest 2:2/0.0
The following command line...
NetMgr POST -xnetpost -a$c:\fd\netmail -fc:\txt\canned.rep
... would generate a new netmail message in the Squish style area
'c:\fd\netmail', with the header specified (i.e.: to 'NetMgr User', from
'Gerard van Essen' etc), and with the textfile 'c:\txt\canned.rep' as
the body.
NetMgr will start up, read the config, open the area, post the message,
and then exit immediately (without scanning the netmail area as is
normally done).
Provided the following XMASK is defined in NetMgr.cfg:
DefineXmask rules
from Moderator
to All
subject The monthly rules
orig 2:281/527.0
The following command line...
NetMgr POST -xrules -a!c:\echo\artware -fc:\txt\artware.rul -e
... would generate a new echomail message in the JAM style area
'c:\echo\artware', with the header specified (i.e.: to 'All', from
'Moderator' etc), and with the textfile 'c:\txt\artware.rul' as the body.
* Added some outbound management capabilities, usable from the command
line. You can use one of the following commands on the command line:
■ POLL : create a poll packet for a certain node.
■ GET : create a filerequest for a certain node.
■ UPDATE : create an update request for a certain node.
■ SEND : create a file attach for a certain node.
■ CHANGE : change mail status for mail waiting for a certain node.
To support this, the following command line options are used:
-s : Status (also called 'flavour') of request/attach.
-n : New status for mail (used for 'CHANGE').
-p : Password to use for file request.
-# : Node address of node to request files from / send files to.
-f : File to send/request.
The 'POLL' command needs: -# and -s.
The 'GET' command needs: -#, -f and -s (optional: -p).
The 'UPDATE' command needs: -#, -f and -s (optional: -p).
The 'SEND' command needs: -#, -f and -s.
The 'CHANGE' command needs: -#, -s and -n.
For the '-s' and '-n' options, the following flavours can be used:
normal, crash, imm, hold, dir.
NetMgr POLL -#2:281/527 -scrash
Poll node 2:281/527, crash status.
NetMgr GET -#2:500/133 -fnewfiles -shold -psecret
Request from node 2:500/133, with 'hold' status, the file 'NEWFILES' and
use 'secret' as password for this request.
NetMgr SEND -fc:\autoexec.bat -simm -#1:138/211
Attach the file c:\autoexec.bat, with 'immediate' status, to 1:138/211.
NetMgr CHANGE -snormal -ncrash -#2:281/527.5
Change the flavour of all mail destined for 2:281/527.5 flavoured
'normal' to a new flavour of 'crash'.
For any of the above to work, you need to have the 'OutBound' keyword
defined in NetMgr.cfg.
* NetMgr now has AKAmatching capabilities, that can be used in several
In order to let NetMgr do this, add all the addresses you might want to
use to NetMgr.cfg (multiple 'homeaddress' statements are now allowed).
By default, NetMgr can do the matching for you without any further info.
This option is interesting if you have more than 1 address.
NetMgr can then be ordered to find the most appropriate address to use
when writing a message.
Say, for example, that you have two addresses: 2:281/527 and
If you write a messages to 2:500/133, you probably want to use
your 2:281/527 address.
If you write a message to 60:100/1, you probably want to use
your 60:100/112 address.
In this case, NetMgr would try to find the address (AKA) that 'matches'
the destination address best.
It first looks for a matching zone, and if more than one match
is found, it'll try to find an address where both 'zone' and
'net' match. If there is still more than one match after that,
it will just take the first match.
If you want to make exceptions to these matching rules, or if you want to
do AKAmatching _within_ a certain net, you can force NetMgr to use
certain AKA by using the AKAFORCE keyword in NetMgr.cfg:
AKAFORCE <mask> <address to use>
AKAFORCE 50:*/*.* 49:500/1
This means: always use 49:500/1 as address when mail is sent to any zone
50 address. This forcing will take precedence over 'automatic'
Where does it work?
First of all, NetMgr can now pick the correct AKA to use when generating
a new message using one of the BOUNCE, XBOUNCE, MakeMsg or Forward
In order to let NetMgr pick an appropriate address, use '@myaka' instead
of a 4D address. For example:
Action Bounce @myaka c:\txt\bounce.txt
Action Xbounce c:\txt\bounce.txt The Bouncer, @myaka, *, *, Go away!, *
You can also use the AKA matching with REWRITE. This is probably only
useful when you are currently using NetMgr already to do AKAmatching with
several masks. You may now be able to do it with one mask/action:
Mask Gerard van Essen, *, *, *, *, +l
Action Rewrite *, @myaka, *, *, *, *
Finally, you can also use it for the PackMail and MoveMail actions, for
the origination address:
Action PackMail @myaka *
This will pack all mail directly to their destination, and use a matching
AKA in the packet header as origination address. Please note that this
(obviously!) does not have any effect on the addresses used within the
packed messages! Only the packet header is affected by this!
beta 3
* Switched to Watcom for the DOS version.
* Switched to heavily modified message base code (as was also introduced
in timEd 1.10).
* Added some new attributes to be used:
2 = XX2 : officially unused/reserved
b = ARQ : is return receipt
g = CFM : confirm receipt request
h = LOK : message is locked
z = ZGT : JAM, zonegate bit
x = FAX : message is a FAX cover
* Fixed trap that occurred when echocopying empty messages.
* Immediate flavour (used by at least Xenia and McMail) is now supported
for Binkley style outbound mail packing.
* For JAM areas, NetMgr can now write NETMAIL/ECHOMAIL.JAM. Add the
keyword 'JAMLOG' to NetMgr.cfg and give the directory to put the files
JamLog c:\fd\msgbase\
* Added eXtended Mask (XMASK) capabilities.
XMASKs allow you to specify many more criteria than a standard mask.
However, they also take a bit more room than a standard mask. They can
be used together with standard masks (even mixed within the same config).
To define an extended mask, use the XMASK keyword. An XMASK definition
always starts with this keyword, and always ends with a line with only
'End' on it. Between these two lines, search criteria are defined.
An example:
from Gerard van Essen
This defines an XMASK, that looks for messages that are FROM: 'Gerard
van Essen'.
You can specify more than one criterium. For a message to be a match, it
must satisfy _all_ requirements that are defined. So, if you have:
from Gerard van Essen
to pietje puk
A message is only a match when it is from 'Gerard van Essen' _and_ to
'pietje puk'.
The following keywords can be used in an XMASK:
from - who the message is from
to - who the message is to
subject - the subject of the message
attr - attributes of a message (like +a-p etc, like a standard mask)
kludge - a search text to be found in the kludges of a message
body - a search text to be found in the body of a message
bodybytes <n> - how many bytes of the message body must be searched to find
the string(s) specified to find in the body.
bodylines <n> - how many lines of the body to search (or actually
paragraphs, separated by a CR (ASCII 13, '\r').
orig - origination address of the message (like 2:281/527.0 - always 4D)
dest - destination address of the message (like 2:281/527.0 - always 4D)
olderwritten <n> - 'Date written' of the message must be older than n days.
olderprocessed <n> - 'Date processed' of the message must be older than n
days (JAM, Squish, SDM).
olderread <n> - 'Date msg read by recipient' of the message must be
older than n days (JAM only).
When searching for a string (from, to, subject, body, kludges), you can
also enclose a string in either single or double quotes. This gives you
the opportunity to search for trailing and/or leading spaces.
Even when quotes are used, the ~ (substring) and ! (NOT search) tokens
are still supported, just like in normal MASKs. These tokens must be
entered inside the quote, so "~gerard" will look for the substring
'gerard' to be present anywhere.
Specifying a certain keyword more than once, gives you an AND search. As
mentioned before, _all_ requirements that are defined must be met. So
body "gerard"
body "timed"
.. will look for messages that have 'gerard' AND 'timed' in the body.
However, you can also do an OR search, by specifying more than one
element on the same line, enclosed in quotes and separated by the OR
keyword, like this:
body "gerard" OR "timed"
This will look for messages that have 'gerard' in the body, OR that have
'timed' in the body.
You can also do a similar thing with addresses:
orig 2:*/*.* OR 1:*/*.*
This will look for message originating from either zone 2 or zone 1.
You can also do an AND search with addresses:
orig 2:*/*.*
orig !2:281/527.*
This will look for messages originating from zone 2, and NOT from node
2:281/527 or any of its points.
Finally, for from, to, subject, kludges, body, orig and dest, you can
also specify a filename as input. The filename must be preceded by a
'<', like this:
to <c:\data\names.txt
The file itself should consist of a number of lines, all with one
string/addrress to look for. If any of the strings/addresses are found,
this will be considered a match.
In the case of names.txt, the file could look like this:
Any message addressed to 'Areafix', OR 'Areamgr' OR 'SQafix' will be a
Leading and trailing spaces on a line in the file will be stripped.
Quotes are not allowed. However, use of the '~' and '!' tokens _is_
One or more XMASKs must be combined with one or more actions, just like
a standard MASK:
from Gerard van Essen
Action Delete
You can also define an XMASK, give it a name, and use it later on in the
.cfg file. To define an XMASK, use the 'DefineXmask' keyword:
DefineXmask <mask name>
<mask criteria>
Like this:
DefineXmask personal
to "Gerard van Essen" OR "gerard van.essen" OR "art" OR "Geer art"
Later on, you can then use the XMASK named personal again:
XMASK personal
Action Move $c:\mail\personal
Pfffffffff.... I think this more or less explains the new XMASK
beta 2
* EchoCopy/Move now check for an already existing Origin/Tearline and
strip it off before adding a new and correct Origin line.
* Using multiple actions for one Mask in Squish areas with a 'max msgs'
limit set could cause trouble. If the first action added a message to
the area ('bounce' for example), NetMgr would lose it's orientation (due
to the 'sliding' message numbers) and perform subsequent actions on the
wrong message. This was particularly good fun for 'Action Delete' and
* The 'zone' entries in a message packet header were not correctly filled
(PackMail, MoveMail).
* NetMgr wouldn't correctly detect a move/copy to the same area. That is
now properly catched.
* Action Packmail and MoveMail can now have a packet password. Add this as
an extra parameter (optional), like this:
Action PackMail 2:281/527.0 2:281/500.0 secret
NetMgr will now use 'secret' as password for the packet for 281/500.
* Debug mode would not correctly show the number of the mask that matched
(was always number 0).
* Cosmetic change VIA lines (pointnumber will be stripped if 0).
beta 1
* Binkley mailpacking had mixed up 'truncate file when sent' and 'delete
file when sent' actions. The file would be truncated when it should be
deleted and v.v.
* In mailpackets generated by NetMgr, the date generated would be
incorrect (NetMgr lived 80 years in the past :-).
* NetMgr would accept '*' as origination address in several actions
(Packmail, MoveMail, Bounce actions, EchoCopy/Move). This is not
supported and can lead to problems. NetMgr will now check for this while
reading the config.
* NetMgr would not recognize certain attributes (like 'file request') in
Hudson areas.
* More than one EchoCopy action for the same mask would result in addition
of multiple tearline/origin combinations.
* AddNote and Bounce will not add dashes ('--') and empty lines around
your text (that is added at the top of the message) anymore. If you want
it, add it to your own text. If you don't want it, you now finally got
rid of it :-)
* New Action: Display <line to display>
This one will display a line of text on the screen and in the logfile.
You can use this to add details about certain actions to the logfile.
Mask *, *, Pietje Puk, *, *, *
Action Display Deleted message to Pietje Puk!
Action Delete
Whenever this action is executed, the line 'Deleted message to Pietje
Puk!' will be shown on the screen and added to the logfile. Leading and
trailing spaces are not touched, the line is displayed exactly as found
in the config (The first space, between 'Display' and 'Deleted' in this
case, *does* of course get stripped..).
Please note that some actions prevent NetMgr from looking for more
actions to perform. Delete is one of them: after a message is deleted,
there is nothing that can be done with that message anymore and NetMgr
stops scanning for more actions. (Echo-)move is another example.
Of course, 'Display' is something that *can* be done even after a
message is deleted, it is an exception to this. But I have not changed
NetMgr logic yet, keep that in mind.
So this:
Mask *, *, Pietje Puk, *, *, *
Action Delete
Action Display Deleted message to Pietje Puk!
Doesn't work, because NetMgr will never get to the 'Display' action.